Paid for designs

I do not have instant download, your designs will be mailed to you within or less than 24 hours as I check my computer all day long.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Morning  to all, 

A couple of days ago we discovered that "Cruella" our polish chicken has discovered she is a HE. So now he is starting to "crow" in the mornings and it sounds so funny. He is a dark and light gray color and his top not is white and has black strips on each side of his head,  the name of Cruella just fits him. 

The other hens have pecked his head feathers off, I have got a medical spray that I use every little bit to keep it "dark" so the hens don't see "red" which I have found out, chickens go after anything red and they will peck it apart. So poor Cruella is having a time with his top not or head feathers that all Polish hens have, I am in hopes that it will regrow and be pretty again, I do see a lot of pin feathers coming in, so have to keep it sprayed with the purple stuff to help him grow them back in. 

UPDATE: Cruella got her neck snapped during nighttime in the shed, found her dead the next morning. Not sure what happened.

Love and Prayers, 

Chicken Tray

Today it or last night it snowed 1/2 inch of snow, it should melt away today, the ground is not frozen yet, it is muddy on the path to chickens. 

Today we have a friend coming to make a shelf of sorts to put under where the chickens roost at night, this will catch all "poo" and keep things much cleaner for me and the chickens. 
Gonna use cat litter to fill the trey and I will then put just a small amount of cedar chips to cover the cat litter so the chickens don't think it is a spot to take a bath. 

It will be a quick and much cleaner clean-up for me and all will stay healthier because of it. The free fertilizer will be placed all over the place to help green things up in the spring from the garden to shrubs and trees to just greener grass. 

Pic to come later on when done. 

Love and Prayers, 

                         Lucky and Speckles                                    Inside of covered pen

Nesting boxes                                         Heat lamp & tray area

Shed & covered area 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Guineas and Chickens

Morning everyone, 

Do have to keep chickens and guineas closed up until we get the top netting for their pen, the guineas are flying up and over the fence and we are having to catch them up each night and put them into the shed for safety. The netting should be here in the next few days or so. Once done we can turn them all loose again in their larger run area. 

I am tired already of chasing birds to put back into the pen area, the guineas get the chickens to going and then they also go over the fence. The guineas were on top of the shed last night and we had one chicken join them, so far now, they are being detained inside their plastic-covered area. 

Will have some pics to share when they are outside again. Will come back and post the pics on this page when we are done with it all. 

Later on, we got the netting and got it spread over the huge chicken area. Much safer for the birds, and it was larger than we thought, so now we have a huge extranet, could be used on an outdoor aviary. 

Love and Prayers, 


Saturday, November 13, 2021


Morning all, 

It is or was raining out now turned to SNOW and it is sticking. When I let the chickens out this morning, it was raining and they did not like that too much, but when it turned to snow, they all began to run to get inside the covered area of pen or under bushes. There first good rain, then snow for them, this will be their first winter. 

Lucky laid a double yoka egg yesterday that is her 4th egg like that. and she is not even one year old yet. 

Love and Prayers,

Monday, November 1, 2021

Fall time clean up & Chicken chores

Morning to all, hope you are having a wonderful day. 

Today we started bringing in the outside plants that come in for wintertime. I have cut way back some of my trees that come in this year, just too large to handle in small spaces for the winter. I am just letting go of many others as they are old and leggy, need to just get new ones in spring. 

Then it is out to the chicken pen and clean up the wet soggy straw, and new plastic on the sides of the pen and then put in new dry straw which will stay that way once we get it wrapped in plastic.  Better for the hens also, lets the sunlight in and blocks the cold wind. This next week we should be getting the fencing put up so the chickens can have their room to run around and be free until dusk and time to return to the safety of the pen and then shed as night falls. 

We are gonna be egg-poor when they all start laying. We will sell fresh eggs, gonna put up a chicken sign for next year when we have extra eggs to sell. 

Pics will follow after the pen is cleaned up and the new fence is done. 

Love and Prayers, 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

Hope all are enjoying the Fall of the year. Right now it is raining and has been for several days now, feels like I am walking in a water puddle when I go to feed the chickens. Before too much longer the addition to the fence we had done will have a place divided off so the chickens can run wild during the day, hopefully, they all come running back to the shed for evening meal and then get locked up for the night. Not a lot of color this year for some reason.

We got our electric bikes well, one bike and one trike. Found out from our house to the main road is all downhill, I thought it looked level, but it is all uphill to get back home. Learned just how out of shape I am in, got a lot of work to do. We ride together to the main road and then uphill all the way back, thank God they are electric. Would never have made it back otherwise. A little at a time and we will get better. Think I will also try the bike and see how that handles over the trike. 

We will have to go to where there is a flat area to ride so I can enjoy the ride better. I won't give up and will keep working on it. I do love to ride bikes always have. 

Love and Prayers, 


Monday, October 25, 2021

Frosty Club Information

Hello and good morning to everyone,

This is my FROSTY

This is an invite to my new Frosty Club, you must read and understand that membership dues will be due the month of Dec. 2021, before you ask to join the club. This club is on MeWe and "private", which means you have to be invited in order to join,

The artwork for many of my designs is copyrighted by my sister (Nita T.) and her husband (Larry Twardzak). I alone have their permission to digitize her artwork. Other artwork is either free or I have paid for the designs OR I have hand-drawn them myself. 

Oct. and Nov. are free to help get us started and settled into the new group.  This group is "Private" and you can only join if invited. So if there are any of you that wish to join my new group on MeWe, send me an email. Go to the "contact tab" at top of the page and send me an email if you are interested in joining my club. 

The new group is a club and membership is $8.00 a month. I feel we can all afford that amount each month. You can cancel anytime. Designs are grouped into months and years depending on when I add them to the club. There will be between 10 - 15 designs per month + extras + Holidays. Any questions ~ Just ask away!  New designs are added each month! Lessons are given on how to digitize, Applique design sew outs, crazy quilt blocks my way, free-standing lace,  some on loom beading, some on scrolling in wood, and more to come.

You pay your dues on my website here:  
Click on "Frosty Club" at top of the page. Read the information and use the "donate" button to pay dues thru PayPal.

Members joining after November 2021 looking for designs in the past years or months, tell me which ones you want and donate for that month and year and I will send them to you after your dues are paid for that month.  If in the event you lose your designs, if you paid for them you can always get them from me after checking records as I will have a backup of all sales. 

Designs will be emailed to you at the email address you used to join the club (make sure it is correct) and a password will be given to you if you have paid for that month. Make sure you backup passwords and designs when you get them.

Remember: Do not share any of my designs with others, instead have them send me an email so they can join in on all the fun themselves.

My U-Tube channel:  Alaska-Ohio-West Virginia
My channel is up, just have not added anything just yet! But go ahead and subscribe to it if you can and be sure to like it and ring the bell after things get started. 
New things are coming!

All my designs are copyrighted by Margo Phillips of Crafty Rose Angel.   

Love and Prayers, 

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Hello to all,
Larry called yesterday and we talked for a while. He is doing as good as he can, sounded tired from the treatment, but sounded good. He has enough treats as he calls them. He is enjoying the ALEXA we took him, they were able to get it up and running. So I am sure he is giving that thing a workout. 

So if you can get him to answer the phone give him a call and chat with him. He will answer if he can hear the phone. 

Love and Prayers, 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Update on Larry

Hello everyone, 

This is an update about Larry. This is for my family and friends of Larry so I can keep you updated as to how he is doing. 

He called the other day and wanted an Alexa taken out to him at the manor. So Vince ran one out to him, and the people that work there got it up and running for him. 
So he is now talking to Alexa and having some fun at least more fun than without it. 

Other than that he is doing as good as he can. He is very short of breath you can hear this when he is talking on the phone. He has been that way for a while now. 

I try to call him all the time and he does not answer the phone, says he can not hear it. 

But I noticed the other day that someone is leaving him messages again and that fills the phone up to where it will not even ring, when you call it goes to "leave a message". I think I posted on Facebook to stop leaving him messages, he can not operate the phone to move through it to find the spot to check the messages or delete them. 

So again Please stop leaving him messages, he does not read them, he will not call you back, it just clogs the phone and then I can not even get ahold of him, and right now with Covid on the uprise again, we can not even visit him, leaves him in the dark so to speak. UNLESS he decides to give me a call. Which he does call now and then.

A pic from Germany days

Love and Prayers, 


 Hello everyone, 

I am not believing this, I have been collecting eggs from Lucy almost every day now. We went to make french toast yesterday and I cracked 3 large eggs and all 3 had double yokes. I am not believing this. Taste, just great. I am the lucky one even if her name is Lucky.

I have some new pics up for the free designs Sample page. Go and take a look. Her very first eggs are also in the mix, they were so tiny, just plain cute. Here is a pic of the lovely eggs. Two eggs are in the large bowl and one in the small bowl. 

Lucky's eggs--3 double yokes

We are getting ready to enlarge their free-roam area, cause my next batch of little ones are getting large enough to add to the other 7 hens. That will be a total of 13 hens and 2 keets we hope, not sure just yet, there might be a rooster in the batch. We have the room for them to be happy and free. I just love having chickens running around the yard. 

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Update on Larry

Morning all, 

Chatted with Larry yesterday on phone. He is doing fine, wanting to come home for a few hours, but Rose Wood Manor has once again closed the doors to unnecessary people coming and going. So that is put off for a while. Other than that Larry sounds good and seems to be in good spirits. He said his phone is not ringing, so we have to go there and get the phone and see what is going on with it. 

We can see him from the window outside of the building, but he is not sitting where he can see outside that well, and then you can't talk back and forth. What a mess, this Covid is for everyone. 


Love and Prayers, 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Lucky's first eggs

Morning to all, 

Yesterday when we went out to take our chickens outside I found 2 not 1, but 2 eggs that Lucky (our survival hen) laid last night. She stepped on one and broke it, the other one was just fine but, they were half the size of a normal egg. Don't think I have heard of a hen laying 2 eggs at a time. But she did. 

Lucky's First Egg

Back in Ohio our first egg from our hens was laid without the shell, a perfect egg just laying in the nest box. and here in W.V., she laid two eggs. Not sure I have heard about that happening before.
Now have to wait on 12 more hens to start laying some time in the spring or early summer. That is IF they are all hens, ya never know. And the two guineas what if they are M or F, have to wait and see.
Hope you all have a great day.

Love and Prayers, 

More new chickens & two guineas

Morning everyone, 

Well, we got some more chicks and two guineas about two weeks ago. We gave them apple cider vinegar for a few days, and also gave them electrolytes to help ensure their health. They were so tiny when we got them, now they are all up and doing just fine. One is hidden behind the food container. All in all, 6 chicks and 2 guineas. 

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, August 13, 2021

New chickens - August

Hello everyone, 

ok, here I go about chickens again 😉

Vince and I went to the tractor place and got 6 more babies, we are raising them the same as we did the others, but in a couple of weeks our shed will be here and they all will be able to go outside, keeping babies from the adult for a bit as they grow, but this time around there will be wire underground, all around the sides and over the top the kind of wire I saw my Uncle using for his rabbits. Not even a snake can get through that. I think it is called "hardware cloth", it is just rabbit wire to me. The shed will also be covered in it all over, so at least they will be safe at night, closed in the shed for night, out during the day, and later on free-range in my huge yard, now there might be a problem there, but hoping that having some black chickens will help keep the overhead predators away.

We will continue to carry the one chicken "lucky" in and out until the shed gets here. She expects it now. She is such a sweet hen to have been through true terror on two occasions and still settle down around us and the dogs.

2021-Aug babies

So here are our new babies. 2 gray, 2 black, 2 yellow More pics as they grow up. I would like to find a couple of easter eggers and a keet.
Love and Prayers, 

Monday, August 9, 2021

ONE Chicken left- update - not all happy

Hello all, 

Here is an update on my chickens, the picture tells the truth. The picture is numbered for a reason, the first time we lost 3 chickens and the second time around we lost 2 chickens. Was not a pretty sight. This is the second time around he got into the pen this time, killed one and tore open the body, and ate parts, the second bird had a head injury and lived for one week before she died. 

We now have "Lucky" duly named. She is getting special treatment until our shed gets here later this month. Inside at night and out in a special cage during the day close by so we can check on her all day long. We have learned a lesson the hard way, but trust me from now on, NO land critter will get them unless a "bear" comes out of the woods. Never say never!!! 

What we had and what is left

We will get more chickens and our shed will be here later this month. Once it is all set up, we can sleep without any worries as we will have wire below the ground and all around the edges as well as all around the shed and cage, so at least at night, they can rest. There will always be overhead threats as the hawks are always around when they are out for free-ranging during the day. We will put corn out to help attract the crow as the hawks do not like them, seems crows will chase them off. Our neighbor down the street also agrees with keeping crows around. 

We are also checking out an electric fence.

Once we get new chicks, will post the pics here also. 

Love and Prayers, 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

No air conditioner

Afternoon everyone,

Just letting you know we are still here, just way tooooo hot outside to do anything, and the air conditioner quit working so for two days now and nights, we are taking cold baths just to try and stay cool. Way too hot to work inside also.

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Follow Us by Email

Morning to all, 

I have now (I hope) set my site so you can follow us by your email. The sign-up is located on the home page on the left side at the top, just click on it and click on the link to follow us by email and a pop-up box will appear there you sign up with your email address. Then in your email account open the email that comes to you and click on the link which will confirm your email and you are all done. 

The next postings I put on my site should be sent to you. Fingers crossed!

Love and Prayers,

Monday, July 19, 2021

Larry and Pups

Morning to all, 

We went to see Larry yesterday and took the pups, got it ok'd before we went. Still have to wear a mask and keep our distance and no hugs yet, DARN that covid anyway. But at least they were allowing us to visit and the dogs to come and see Larry. He was a happy camper. We chatted for a long time and I got a chance to clean his phone out again. Of course, all the people in the home who saw us wanted to pet the dogs. 

Happy Larry with his pups

Hope all are having a wonderful day. 

Love and Prayers,

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tree Lily's in my yard

 Afternoon everyone, 

On a happy note, we have a huge amount of Tree Lily's that are flowering in posts because we have not yet got them planted in the yard. These are from my move from Ohio. I missed a few that have already flowered. They sweeten up the air outside so much. Missed taking a pic of my Easter Lily's that flowered also sitting in a pot. They were the tallest I have seen them. Had them in the ground in Ohio and they come back and flowered although the plants were very small no doubt because of the cold winters there. 

This fall we will be putting them into the ground this fall for sure. Along with some Rose of Sharon's that we dug up and brought with us also and a couple of Fire Bushes. 

So here are the flowers to enjoy. 


These two are of the same flower, it is a double or triple flower, my only one. I got so excited when I saw it I reached for it to smell and it snapped right off. 



These plants are huge, stand way above my head in height. Huge stocks on the plants.
I love them. In one pic you also see a small yellow sunflower volunteer. The flowers last for weeks and weeks. I may plant even more next year.

Love and Prayers,

Chickens I have left

Morning to all, 

The board in front of the pen was placed there last night because the raccoon had returned and was digging out from under the door, so we placed a very heavy board there for the night. and set the trap also. 

Here is what is left of my chickens. They are now of course very nervous hens, but I hope this will change once we get everything in place and they feel safe.

The shed for them should be here the first part of Aug. I can't wait until it is here and it is set up and then their pen placed against it and all secured nicely. Should be no more bad things happen. This is now the "Fort Knox" chicken pen. 

Love and Prayers,

Chicken killing Raccoon caught in trap

HAPPY morning everyone, 

Hope all are enjoying a nice cool morning even though there is a lot of humidity in the air. 

Yesterday we saw that the raccoon was back and was digging to get at the chickens, The night before this I noticed that one of the boards had been moved from where I had placed it against the chicken pen, the dirt was all clawed away and he had reached under the door and was scratching inside the pen, so we set a trap yesterday and he is in the trap this a.m.  So now to get rid of the pesky thing for once and all. Vince will "dispatch" his butt and then he will no longer be a threat to my chickens. 

I will keep a diligent eye around the pen area from now on. Our chicken pen now looks like Fort Knox I kid you not. Yes, it is sad, but so is walking out to your chicken pen and finding 2 chickens with their heads chewed off, and a third still alive with such severe head wounds that he died half a day later, his skull had a hole in it I later found out. 

Love and Prayers, 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Lost three chickens overnight

Morning everyone, 

The day before yesterday, we lost 3 chickens overnight. A raccoon chewed the heads off two chickens and the third was still alive, but after cleaning his head wounds, found what I think was part of his skull that was sticking up through the open wound. It was very deep when I found that I gave up the thought that he would make it. He fought hard for life, he lived almost a whole day before he passed. I was so upset I could have killed the coon with my bare hands if I could have got ahold of it.  Our pen now looks like Fort Knox. Nothing can get through. If I had my way I would bear-proof it using wood with nails through it laying all around the pen on the ground about 3 feet wide out away from the sides of the pen. Still might. Never had this happen in Ohio and as a child and mom had 12 chickens in the country and this never happened. I am thinking that this W.V. is a little too wild when it comes to animals. 

Just about a week ago a cop that lives on up the neighborhood, shot a deer (two shots) just up the road from where we live (about 50 feet uphill) from us. Left it there to "stink" as the summer heat rises and we get to smell it. I stood on our balcony and watched him walk from his truck toward our place for the second shot. Then he turned and walked to his truck and left. This happened in our next-door neighbor's front yard, he told us that the person was a cop that lived up the hill from us.

You hear gunshots now and then out here in the woods, you get used to it, probably just people killing deers hit by a car, or shooting raccoons or whatever. 

Just can't wait until we get our shed for the chickens, then they can be locked up at night.

Love and Prayers,

Friday, July 2, 2021

Nice cool day to start off

Morning to all, 

After all this heat we have been having, today it is 63 temp this morning. Love it, so nice even the dogs run and play. Rained yesterday and today it is cloudly. 

We got the yard fenced around the house now, a couple of weeks ago now which gives a nice feeling to know your pets are safe from roaming dogs in the neighborhood. Also helps keep some varmints at bey.

Our chickens are doing just fine and growing big. Hope to have eggs next year. Got some eggs from our neighbor yesterday, nothing like fresh eggs to eat. 

Spent yesterday working in the sewing room, still getting things cleaned up and put away. Just about ready to sit and sew some things again. 

Washed and clipped the dogs the last few days, seems to take me a lot longer to do them. But, even with all work and the time it takes, the dogs at least look like poodles. I tried letting a groomer do them, but as it turned out, she does not know how to groom a poodle. So it is best that I keep doing them. Even with my broken shoulder, it takes me one day to bathe and Vince helps by blowing them dry, then the next day I clip or sometimes they are so long in hair, I cut them down and clip when they are dirty so the bathing does not take so long. All in all not the way I was trained to do it but they at least do get clean and groomed to a point. Just can't do what I use to do.

Plan to work on my two quilts this fall and get them out to their new owners before Christmas.  This will be 3 years now in the making with the move and all. 

So that is about it for this time around folks, hope you are having a great day.

Love and Prayers,

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Chicken move

Morning everyone, 

Yesterday we did our first move on the chicken pen, I will not drag that thing again, made my broken arm really hurt and is very sore today from doing that. Learned my lesson again.  But the chickens are happy. 

Rained hard with thunder and lightning. We needed the rain. 

Got yard all mowed and trimmed at one time, because we had a friend come and do it this time around. Lucky to have found him. 

Love and Prayers 

Saturday, June 5, 2021

New chicken home

Morning everyone, 

So today I got a pic of the chickens in their new pen until the end of summer, this fall the new shed will be done then a new pic of it altogether. 
They are getting bigger but still only half grown. But they are much happier now in larger pen. 

Love and Prayers 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Chickens and Pen

Morning to all, 

We are going to attempt to put up our chicken pen today, got the stuff yesterday. It will keep the chickens until the shed gets here this fall. At least the chickens will know the surroundings as home. We also get the yard fenced this week, so they can at least then be able to free-range for real. They are growing so fast, need more room for them. 

Pics will follow when we get them all settled in. Of course, we will have to add chicken wire around the pen and top and then add sunshade cover and perch for them to get upon. 

Love and Prayers, 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Vince back home

Morning all, 

Just a note to say my Vince is back home, sore and a little stiff, but he is doing just fine. He will be slow to get going back to what he was doing but at least he is working on it and doing just fine. 

Got to say it is easier to get the chickens in and out with a little help 😍

Love and Prayers, 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Chickens and Vince

Morning everyone, 

Put the chickens out this morning by myself, as I took Vince to Clarksburg for drop off, he will catch the bus to PA for surgery tomorrow, prayers please for him.  His adrenal gland that sits on top of the kidney has to be removed. It has an odd growth on it. 

Our chickens are growing fast but we still bring them in at night. They are getting so large now, heavy also, which makes it easier for the two of us to lift the cage at a time. But, by myself, I have to halfway drop it to the floor then drag it out and transfer chickens to the outside pen. Will have to drag them just inside the garage for the night. Our shed and wire cage for them will not be done until this late summer, what a mess. 

Love and Prayers, 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Turtle Day

Morning everyone, 

 We found in our yard the other day while weed whacking on the hill, a lovely turtle. I think it is called an Eastern Ornate Box Turtle. We put him back where we found him after some pics of course. 

Nice to know that they are still around and healthy. At least this one is. My sis found the top of a shell a number of years ago in the yard here while mowing. It looked to be the same kind of shell. 

 Love and Prayers 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Little Blacky

Morning to all, 

Oh wow, one of my chickens, the black one seems to have "frizzle" feathers, None of the other chickens has this, only the black one and I am wondering what it will look like when as it gets older and larger. She is a very Unique looking chicken. Now it is cold outside and two days of rain, they are being kept inside right now in the garage for their safety.

 I will take a pic when I can get her alone. 

Love and Prayers,  

Monday, May 3, 2021

Rainy Day

Morning to all, 

Today and last night it has decided to rain, got grass cut yesterday so it is a good day for rain. 
Got some more unpacking to do, so this is a good day to take care of that. 
Hope all are doing ok.

Love and Prayers, 

Monday, April 26, 2021

My Chickens

Morning everyone, 

Here is a pic after morning clean-up for my baby chickens. 

If the weather would ever warm up, they are ready for the outdoors, but back inside for the nighttime for a while. I can hardly wait to see what they will look like when older.

Have you hugged your chickens today?🐔🐓🐤🐣

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Another cold freezing night

Morning everyone, 

Well after another night of freezing, we did last night cover the ones that had buds on them, I am hoping that that will have kept the freeze away. Time will tell. I uncovered them this morning late, and they seem to be doing ok so far. 

If it did, will take some pics later when things open. 

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Cold coming

Afternoon everyone, 

They say tonight is going to be cold and tomorrow it might be in the '20s with snow all around us, so we are taking some care of plants that are outside. This seems to me to be a crazy cold spring and I am ready for some at least warmer temps. I do hope all that are flowering will not die off. 

It is so nice out now hard to believe it is going to be that cold for a couple of nights. 

Hope all are staying safe. 

Love and Prayers, 

Monday, April 19, 2021


My dear husband surprised me when he come home from the store today, 
here is a pic of what he brought me 

Can't wait until it warms up enough to put them outside. 

Love and Prayers,

Friday, April 16, 2021


Have you hugged your chickens today? 🐔

We also got 6 baby chickens last week. Why? Good question, miss the ones we had in Ohio and I was raised with chickens and I love the fresh eggs from real open range hens. My neighbor down the street here in W. V. also has a few chickens that run around their huge yard. She has even loaned us the use of some of her stuff for the chickens, thus saving us some money to start. She said they have not had any problems with hawks bothering chickens. Right now our baby chicks are tiny but growing and getting used to being handled, so no freak-outs if I have to handle them at any time. They come right up to me now. Starting to get their wing and tail feathers. It is so relaxing to just hold them and right now they are so playful. I am changing their little pen area every day with clean water and food. They are not a bother at all. The dogs and chickens are getting used to each other. Sure don't want any problems there. Kricket had a pet chicken that always came to see him when we went out in the back yard there in OH. He loved that chicken. 

We now have time to get their pen and housing ready before they are ready to turn loose. They will have a huge 2 acres to play on, security during the evening and nighttime also. 

Love and Prayers 


Got all my garden plants and ready to plant but not until it warms up some out there. Got some beets, eggplant, tomatoes, green pepper, carrots, asparagus, and a pretty marigold flower. Will add some more if I can find them, want some okra plants. Much faster to plant than doing seeds. The corn we have to seed. Anyway, can't wait until we get the garden going. 

Love and Prayers 

Second Shot Day

Morning to all, 

We are off to get our second shot today, hope it works like the first one, a little sore on arm is all. 
Cool out and very cold at night still right now. 

Hope all are staying safe out there.

Love and Prayers, 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Sunny cool day

Afternoon everyone, 

Well, it rained and some small hail also last evening and night. Today the sun is out but it is cool and just a little windy. We plan to work some in the garden if the weather holds up. I have got to get my corn, and other vegetables in the ground that we picked up the other day.

If while going through this blog site you find out that some links in the blog don't work, please let me know so I can check them as things sometimes get messed up when making changes. 

Hope all are doing great.
Love and Prayers 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

In Memory

In Memory of my sister


A few pics of better days

This I do in memory of my sister Nita and all of her artwork that she hand drew and sent to me to digitize into embroidery, all of the designs on this site will be lowered in price and they will stay that way while I am online. When I have finished digitizing the rest of her artwork, they will be added to this site also.  

I do hope you will come to love her artwork as I always have. She is and will always be missed and loved so much. Although there were twelve years between us it never stopped the love we had for each other and always helping each other through all our troubled times. We both were in the Army and have honorable discharges. Nita's husband was in the Air Force and retired from Air Force. My husband Vince was also in Army with an honorable discharge. Nita had many friends around the world from all their travels. 

The new website name is now Crafty Rose Angel.  

Here is one of the oil paintings that she had finished. There are many many more that I may share on here as time allows me to I will add some pics of the ones that I have come to love. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Nice sunny day to all

 Morning all, 

Well after a couple of really hard freezes in the 20's it is now going to warm up again, it has totally frozen the flowers on the tree that we're going to be so pretty this year are now yellow-brown in color and just hanging. So now we can only hope for a new year for a lovely spring again. 

I do have some tree lilies coming up and they seem to be ok. I sure hope they are going to be great nothing can beat them for color and sweet smell.

I am going to try and plant a garden this year, have not done that in decades, but want to give it a try. Maybe the funniest thing I do the year = stay tuned. 

The weeping willow trees are leafed out and don't seem to be hurt by the freezing temps. Yellow flowering bushes are a little nipped, but still have some flowers on them. Easter flowers as I call them lay down on the ground in the freeze, but come back up in the sunlight. Thank goodness. 

wishing all a Happy Easter if only a day late. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Rainy Morning

Well, rainy this morning, and now the sun is out and it is windy and warm. A nice break from the snow and cold. Making me want spring more and more, but I am not ready for that either, need to do a lot of work within the house yet. Then we can play outside. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Happy New Year

 Hello everyone, 

Just wanted to wish all a Happy New Year. We are doing ok, got our move to W.V. done. Still unpacking though. 

I will be working on a new website this year. 

We also have to check in with the VA here in W.V.  I tell you after hearing about the person who was killing veterans in the hospital here, I am in NO hurry to check in with these people. I understand they have "cleaned house", but this should have never happened to anyone. 

Hope to be able to work on some new designs this year and get back into quilting. Have two quilts that have been put on hold for two years because of all that has happened to us in the last two years.

I hope all are having a wonderful start to the new year. 

There is a New Year sample design for you in my MeWe group.

More to come!


In Memory of Nita Twardzak