Quality, Unique, One-of-a-Kind designs at a fair price.
Notice: Earlier years (2008 thru 2012) of my old blog can be found here: https://eriepinesdesigns.blogspot.com
Here I have re-digitized my design and made changes to what I wanted. She is for the 5x7 hoop I call her my 'winter angel'. You should find her under the seasonal angels.
I used clipart from the lady who wanted the work done for her daughter.
Below are the pics of a greyhound. I used clipart from the lady.
Custom Bird Cage Covers
Below are the pics of a bird cage cover I made for a friend. Her logo is above the birds. I made two of them for her. She loved them very much.
If you live in OH in my neck of the woods and would like a cage cover custom made for you send me an email and remove the spaces (erie pines design@ g mail. com).
Below is the on going project that I have yet to finish. It is my cross pattern, I do love it, will hang on walls when done. Got a lot of work to do first.