Paid for designs

I do not have instant download, your designs will be mailed to you within or less than 24 hours as I check my computer all day long.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tomato flowers & Penny

Morning everyone,

Here is an update on our pet chickens:
We lost Penny (our road island red chicken) a few days ago. She did not live long, but she was a sweet gal while with us.  We also lost our black rooster with the white head feathers and the guinea. We are down to 6 chickens which lay colored eggs. The colors are pink, brown, light green, olive green and white. The hens colors are 3 gray, 2 black, one speckled (black&white-polish hen).

I think today I will be outside planting some things and thumping my flowers on the tomato plants. I know there is sprays you can buy to spray your flowers but, you don't need that, all you have to do is 'thump'  or shake your open flowers once a day about noon or so to catch them when they are fully open. This will SET on the tomato fruit. Never misses~have all the tomatoes you ever want. :-)

Hope all have a wonderful day, don't forget to check my blog to see all the new designs.

Friday, May 20, 2016

About new group in Yahoo

Hello all,

Update: July 26, 2016
My two places to buy my designs are
These are the only places where you can buy my designs.

Hope all have a wonderful day

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Banana Nut Bread and Pumpkin Coffee

Hello everyone,

Well, today on a rainy day I am having some home made banana nut bread and a cup of pumpkin coffee. It is cool out today feels more like fall. But, I know this is going to pass and the heat will be here soon enough. Not a fan of heat after living in Alaska for over 30 some years.

A soon as my new eye glasses get here, I plan to look at some wood working. Have not been doing that for a long time because of my eyes. Quilting kinda goes hand and hand with that. It is amazing how much interest you loose in projects once you can not see them any longer. Until my eyes were done I could not see the dust in my house. I was living in my happy world of such a clean house all the time. Ugh!  Now that I can see again, I discovered that I had dust on my dust. Then I go into cleaning mode for real, still saying to myself, I just don't know how things got so dirty.

For now I am off to enjoy my banana nut bread and coffee. This will be my breakfast and lunch.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spring is here

Hello everyone,

Well spring is here at last I think. I have been outside looking at all the plants flowering, so many colors very pretty.  I am so happy that all the planting done in previous years is now taking hold and growing and flowering, like my lilac bush out back is now flowering for the first time. Nice dark purple and smells great. 

Chickens are outside and enjoying all the sun (and rain) and singing up a storm plus laying so many eggs, I don't know what to do with all of them. We give to family and neighbors and still have eggs left over. Think I might put up a sign for "eggs for sale". LOL

Got my eyes finished and eye exam done now waiting for the eye glasses to get here. That will take 4 to 6 weeks. Then I will be able to "see" all the stitches I have been doing----well, at least I hope they are good stitches at least. Hard to tell when you can't see. But all is getting better now. I must say that not being able to see has had an effect on me and my digitizing also, not been doing that much nor working in the scrolling end of things. So now once glasses get here I should be able once again to "see" and enjoy my hobbies of sewing and wood working.

Hope all have a wonderful day

In Memory of Nita Twardzak