Paid for designs

I do not have instant download, your designs will be mailed to you within or less than 24 hours as I check my computer all day long.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Squirrel hanging in middle of door

Dear members,

I wish I could have snapped the pic of a squirrel hanging on the divide on my screen door. The door divides in the center (where you can pull down a screen from above). I was going to the door to just
look out like I do with Kricket, and there was a huge squirrel hanging by his front legs on the divided
section on the door. It looked so funny, back feet trying to find something to hang onto. My question
would be, what ever made him jump onto the door that way, there is nothing upon looking in door that would get his attention.   Really strange that one!

Don't panic--- name change again

Dear members,

I changed the name back to  Crafty Rose Angel, as so many people love the name I have
gone back to it once again. ok, You don't have to do anything except if you did
a bookmark, you will have to change the bookmark name. ok

Reach me at the namesake at ok

Glad to have you all on board.....

In case you are wondering about the name change.
It will tie in also with the upcoming news about my
woodwork and shop name.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

hot summer

Hello all,

Wow, this has been a hot summer, hit 90 again today, just way too much humidity for me out there, so I am loving the cool of the house and working on some more wood items. I have cut out the word "welcome" and sanded and smoothed all over, now ready to do a nice fancy paint job and deco some on it. Will take a pic when I am done with it.

Then on to an angel in wood for the autumn time. She will be very bright and I hope very pretty. I took the pattern from one my sis has in metal.  Will post a pic of that also when done.

My foot is swollen  again so am sitting with it up most of the time. Will be so happy when both feet behave themselves and I can get a pair of shoes on again. :-)  Oh the fun of diabetes.

More later on as I get things done.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Lovely Summer

Dear members,

I just wanted to say HI and hope all are enjoying the summer.  Been way too hot for me, but hey, fall is coming real soon.  Is there anyone attached to this blog that would like to read up on some instructions on free motion stitching?  If so I can load up some links that might help. Also is there anyone that would like to take part in a quilt block exchange????  Just wondering as summer is about to end and then we all hope to have some time to ourselves for a little fun time. Or anyways I sure hope so.  I would like to do another swap using our names and date and where we are from. I have all the old blocks and need a few more to complete the large quilt.  IF not than I shall just make some up and fill in the spots.  Come on you all you can post a comment to the blog if you want to...... ok!  I am not sure just how many people are following my blog as a reader, as the blog will allow only 100 readers to be listed.

I am going to make the blog private once again, as there is not that much traffic here, if anyone reading this has been flowing and not signed up, you will have to make your self a user name and a pass word. Then by all means, write it down and put it in a safe place as I can to see any of your sign in info.  This blog does not work like a word press, which I prefer, but they will not all the free use of PayPal buttons, so I have to use the "blogger" and it does not allow for me to put designs up in a zip file for you to download, thus on the free designs, you will always have to send me an email and tell me what you want. OK  Donations are not mandatory, but a little something along the way does help me.

I am working on a few sales of my designs for this winter, I hope you all will enjoy the sales and free designs in the mean time.  More on this as the time gets closer.

I am getting ready to start some wood work this winter also. I have so many patterns laid out to work on I think I will be busy all winter. lol If anyone might be interested, be sure to keep an eye on the heading on my blog spot for any new pictures coming as I start to work.

I also have a lot of beading to get done, waiting to see what all sold at the fairs when my friend gets back. I will be doing some more earrings, bracelets, and I want to do some head bands all in beads. I do have a lovely Indian neckless to be done, have already done it in size 10 beads, it is really small, so the next one I do will be a little larger bead. I love them and so do many others. I love working on the Indian patterns as I am also part Indian.

Just got to get busy and start making as Christmas is coming soon.
Take care

In Memory of Nita Twardzak