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Monday, August 26, 2019

It is not everyday you see a "groundhog"

Morning to all,

It is not every day you see a groundhog in your neighbor's yard. Well, we did, yesterday just a plain as day. Just sitting there watching us, then he ran to hide under the porch we think.

Not every day I see one of those tiny little blue butterflies in your yard either, well anyways, I have not seen one since I was a kid. But, I had one on a clover flower in my backyard. I was delighted to see one, heard stories that they are on the endangered list.

Well we got some cabinets built and installed into our extended kitchen the other day and finally, all the foodstuff that has been in boxes under my sewing table and all over have now got their place to be and my sewing room can become a little more like a sewing room, still have to remove the old carpet and we might just live on the plywood floor and paint it until we are ready to add flooring to the room.

Now to start boxing up all the things in the sewing room, and I just thought to do the other rooms in the house was a mess. I don't know even where to start.

At least before we box everything up will have a chance to get the two quilts done I hope.

I hope all are having a wonderful summer, we are having a few days of less heat and cool evenings, just loving it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What is everyone doing?

Hello to all,

This note is just to say "hi" and let you know what is in the works coming this fall. I plan to have some group block exchanges, if you are interested, please let me know. ok send me an email to this email address ( and let me know what you would like to work on.

Today it is raining and humidified bad outside, so I decided to clean the house and mop the floors, I do love the way the cleaning solution makes the house smell when done.  

I want to find out just how many want to work along with us on this. We do have a very small group so there is no huge amount of blocks that will have to be done. I hope this helps everyone make a decision on this.

You can also post a message to this post in the blog, just click on the word "no comment" and it will open where you can post a message. IF the message box does not appear for you. Any problems just let me know.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

What I am up to and what I have been doing

I know it has been a while since I last posted. I have been busy in the house. We have been busy working on the floors in this old house. The fireplace room, kitchen, and dining room have re-done. The carpet was removed and vinyl squares were placed down. Then all the tiles were not the same, some had to be removed and replaced with others. Now they are all done and we have a light floor in color next to the dark yellow and gold that was there. The old tiles you could lift up by hand and have been there for over 40 years. All of this was not done overnight, but all in all took over 2 to 3 months. Waiting for things to get done while your home is all (undone) is enough to drive one nuts. The kitchen is still not together, the dishwasher is out in the garage, the kitchen cabinet that we had built-in next to the dishwasher had to be removed in order to do the floor, and until that is redone, the dishwasher is still in the garage and I have no counter space when cooking. So the job is still not done, and this waiting is driving me nuts. lol  But, I must say the air is cleaner and my floors are a darn sight cleaner now and much easier to keep clean and that is what I was after.

In the meantime I had Vince remove the carpet in the front room, We had done this once before to remove the original carpet that had been there for over 30 years, we did new carpet and now 7 years later we are removing it and now we are down to the hard OLD tile, we can live with it until the sewing room is done. This is the last room that has to have the very old carpet removed and then we will have the vinyl squares put down to match the rest of the house, well at least the new floors. This will all have to be put on hold while we save up more money to have the floor done.

So in the meantime, I have busied myself outside working in the yard and taking time off to go and see Nita & Larry in W.V. Nita is holding her own and so is Larry. They are all doing ok for now. More on that is not given out in this blog, if you are a friend or family you have been told what is going on. They are both fighting cancer. Enough said on that.

I have had some people ask me to make them some designs in embroidery and some items in beading. I have enjoyed doing these things. I have not done any new designs in embroidery as I just don't have any time on my own it seems anymore to work on any of it. But, there is a day coming where I will be back into it I am sure.

I now have a very nice bird watching and feeding station in my backyard now. I love going out and sitting under the umbrella and or on my swing and just watching them all, I also have a few squirrels and chipmunks running around. I call the chipmunks "fairy-ditties" as that is what my sis calls them in W.V. It is just a cute name for such a tiny little critter.

Oh, yea, needless to say, the quilts I was working on have all been put on hold. It won't be until fall when I get back to them the way things are going. That is ok also, gives me a break from the quilting so I will be ready to get back into it and finish them for Christmas time. I just know the ones that are going to receive them will be very happy.

It is hot enough outside to fry an egg on the sidewalk right now and tomorrow also. Next week it is supposed to be a little cooler and I am hoping so, I am going to start riding my bike. I know an old lady should not be getting on a bike, but I use to ride many miles a day and that was only 10 or so years ago, no reason I could not do it again, might have to take my time and not go as far, but I do love to ride a bike. It is easier on the joints than walking most of the time. lol

Enough for now, I hope all are keeping cool and enjoying the summer.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

new Christmas quilt started

Hi all,

I am also working on a Christmas quilt, went ahead and cut out and sewed the applique to blocks as I was working on the Halloween quilt, just figured do all the cutting and sewing at the same time and perhaps save some time. 😍

So here below are the pics of the Christmas quilt blocks.

Here we have 6 blocks set side by side for picture taking only. We have lots of snowmen on this quilt, snowman sitting on the moon, snowman with a tree, snowman sitting on presents, snowman sitting looking at a star, snowman with a plant of stars (2 blocks).

Here we have a house with a tree block, birds with stars, an angel, sleigh, reindeer, tree, and a snowflake.  I may add more of my own blocks as I go along with this quilt. 

So more to come as I start work on them. 

Have to say that when it is nice out this spring and early summer, I will be outside more than inside working on a quilt. 

In Memory of Nita Twardzak