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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Turkey Buzzard, Oh what a STINK !!!

Turkey Buzzard feather

We are welcomed back home with a robin's nest blown down from a tree on the driveway with the remains of 4 broken eggs, at least they were not developed as of yet. I was so sad to see that. After leaving Nita's home in W.V. where I had been watching 3 baby Robins grow up and fledge the nest before we left. They had built their nest on the back porch of the home and on the side of the porch in the vine on the trellis at the end of the porch, there are DOVES and 2 eggs in the nest when we left. IF that was not great, there is also downstairs on the front porch another robin with 4 eggs in the nest of which 2 had hatched before we left. I just got to love God's country.

Our grass was so high we mowed and trimmed it before we did anything else. During the mowing, I ran into what I have been smelling while mowing the side of the yard, in the neighbor's yard where the remains of a raccoon, oh my did that smell, rode right up almost beside it. Nothing much left but fur and dried skin and maggots, but the next day I got to see up close a "turkey buzzard" in the yard next door picking on the remains, also collected a huge wing feather in my yard next to some bushes.
We do not know what killed the raccoon, this is the second raccoon killed around us. The neighbor did clean up the mess the next day.

Turkey Buzzard eating a Raccoon 

So then the next day went out and started digging up some more Iris because I am moving them into containers along with some other items around the home.

I made a huge homemade beef stew for supper the next day and decided that digging is not for me. Got my broken shoulder to hurting and now my one foot is real hurtful, something to do with eating too much red meat and uric acid. So now I am hopping around waiting for all that to settle down again.

I got my first ever doctor visit scheduled for next month by PHONE. All this because of the new flew bug running around. Everyone is wearing masks and gloves and using hand sanitizer and staying 6 or more feet away from each other.  It is the new world we live in, for now, don't much care for it, but got to stay safe.  I got to make some more masks for us also today.

In the meantime back in W.V. Larry got his last toe on his left foot removed, he is recovering just fine and feels great. All in the Rose Wood manor where Larry is are all negative for the virus and they are doing their best to keep it that way, it is shut down to everyone, no visiting anyone in there.

That is about it for this time around for now anyway.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Lovely spring in spite of the "bug"

Morning to all,


Back from W.V. and all the bulbs blooming and flowering trees and bushes. We get to Ohio and more bulbs and bushes flowering. My redbud and Mayday trees are not yet in flower. Woke up yesterday to sleet hitting the window and today they say sprinkles of snow perhaps. Have not seen it as of yet.

Larry (Nita's husband) is in the Rose Wood Manor in W.V. and locked down, no sick people in the rest home yet and they are keeping it that way. Larry is doing as good as expected with all he has to put up with. We are keeping in touch using a program called "Duo" on our phones and tablets. We can see and chat with each other during this "time of the bug".

Vince and I are staying well and free from the bug also. We are not taking chances with this bug as we are "over the hump" and need to be careful with our health.

Today we are planning to do the dogs. My sister's two poodles and my one poodle. I wash and Vince drys and combs them out and the next day I will attempt to clip and groom them. My arm and its torn rotary cup in two places leave me with a handicap that does not help one little bit. There is just so much I can do. Needless to say, the poodles will never look the way they use to look when I had two good arms. But they will be at least clean.

Then on to making some masks for us to wear and some for the family if they want them. Got the design online for free so will give it a try and if I don't like it will just make my own. Might even embroidery a  🐞 on the front of it.

Well got to get up and get to work, wishing a wonderful day for all.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Bad Bug Flu - this Covid-19

Hello to every one,

I hope all are staying safe and not getting sick, any kind of being sick is NO fun at all. We are staying away from people as much as possible and using hand wipes sprays and wiping all we come in contact with, just trying to stay safe. Take care of yourself in order to keep those you love safe. 

When we got back to Oh from WV there were 3 cases here in Oh, now a week later, we are over 50 and growing. Want to head to WV as there were no cases there when we left.

Have yourself a lovely SPRING which is just around the corner.


Lovely Colors

Morning to all,

Just a note to say my pretty Crocus are up and flowering. I want to stay out and enjoy looking at them, but the weather is just too cool for me yet. It does not stop me from opening the door to have a look-see now and then though.

Not seeing much showing life outside yet but, it is early.
Down at Nita's I will be seeing more "spring" in the way of plants sooner than here in Ohio. Just four hours down the road but, what a difference in temps at times.

Hope all are having a wonderful spring.

HAPPY ST PAT'S DAY to everyone.

In Memory of Nita Twardzak