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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Happy Halloween

 BOO 👀

Hope all will be able to safely get out and enjoy the fall of the year and have some fun. I have done some deco just to have a little fun. I am going to upload them here when I have time. 

Have some of the pretty trees around here also. We have moved now to West Virginia lock stock and barrel. So now it is the unpacking that will take all winter. UGH!! 

Larry is so happy that we are here also. We got to see Larry for 30 min's on last Sat. It was so great to be able to see him. Of course, had to keep our distance and wear masks and we also wore gloves. He looked so great and sounded great also. 

We have a lot of things to get done this fall and some things will have to wait until next year. There is enough to keep us busy for the rest of our lives. lol 

More later, 


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Just mowed the yard for last time

 Hello to all, 

We have landed once again in Ohio for about one week and then we head on to W.V. for good. We have to collect the last things or "stuff" from the house and get it all packed to go. 

The drive back up was nice, leaves are so many colors, and hoping it will be the same on the way back down to W.V. Rained about half of the trip, no rain in Oh., but it looked like it has rained not too long ago.  

I hope to spend the winter unpacking and packing up stuff at my sis's home that we do not need out on display. This is hard but has to be done, the whole downstairs is full of boxes we have a trail to walk through, bedrooms full, and garage and sheds also. So plenty of stuff to do once we get landed and settled in. 

Then I hope to have a website once again and get back into digitizing and scrolling in wood and quilting and beading. Now that does not sound like there is too much stuff to do, right? 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cool here in OH- in the 40's

 So here we are again working on packing stuff. This is the last trip I am making, Vince may have to make one more trip using a trailer to get the end stuff. I can't wait for this move to be over with. Never knew we could collect so much stuff, well at least after this move, there will be a whole lot less stuff to deal with and we may get rid of some more as we unpack boxes on the other end. lol 

So just an update about Larry, he is doing great even though he has COVID-19. Could it be the blood treatments he gets 3 times a week to be the secret? We are sure hoping so.  He is doing great on that end of things. However, he did lose the middle toe on his right foot last week while at the hospital. So the foot is healing ok, and it is no bother to Larry. 

Just checking in so that is it for now. I know it is not this cool down in W.V!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Still moving

 Hello to all,

We are back in W.V. again for a bit still moving and cleaning. Mowed the grass and trimmed. This time I am also starting to trim back all the bushes and stuff. Has really overgrown a lot. Cleaned the vine off the back porch and the morning sun now comes through, love it being more open also shortened the bushed on the outside of the trellis on the end of the porch, lets more air circulation go around the end of the porch now. Also trimmed the bushes around the garden area, we will take down the fence around the garden as I will do something different for a garden there. 

We had a possum tear things up this time on the porch downstairs. We had hung a bird feeder under the eve of the house so the little fairy dillies we call them could not get to it and the possum knocked things "heavy" things over and made a mess also cleaned out the bird feeder so now we will find a new way to feed the birds. I watched the possum one morning early go under the gazebo for the day, he will have to leave and stay gone. 

So we are still cleaning around the home and getting rid of things. Also will have a huge garage sale later on. Have dug up from our home in Ohio many bulbs and plants and brought them here and we still will sometime this fall or in the spring get them planted. 

PRAYERS for Larry if you are reading this post. Larry is still holding his own at Rose Wood Manor although now the Covid-19 is now in the manor and there are 33 active cases. Larry is showing symptoms now according to his nurse. We are praying that he will come through this and be fine. This manor has been in the news the last two nights, there are 8 working people there who also tested positive. 

On that note, I will cut this off for this time. 

Hope all are doing ok and staying safe.

In Memory of Nita Twardzak