Paid for designs

I do not have instant download, your designs will be mailed to you within or less than 24 hours as I check my computer all day long.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

No air conditioner

Afternoon everyone,

Just letting you know we are still here, just way tooooo hot outside to do anything, and the air conditioner quit working so for two days now and nights, we are taking cold baths just to try and stay cool. Way too hot to work inside also.

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Follow Us by Email

Morning to all, 

I have now (I hope) set my site so you can follow us by your email. The sign-up is located on the home page on the left side at the top, just click on it and click on the link to follow us by email and a pop-up box will appear there you sign up with your email address. Then in your email account open the email that comes to you and click on the link which will confirm your email and you are all done. 

The next postings I put on my site should be sent to you. Fingers crossed!

Love and Prayers,

Monday, July 19, 2021

Larry and Pups

Morning to all, 

We went to see Larry yesterday and took the pups, got it ok'd before we went. Still have to wear a mask and keep our distance and no hugs yet, DARN that covid anyway. But at least they were allowing us to visit and the dogs to come and see Larry. He was a happy camper. We chatted for a long time and I got a chance to clean his phone out again. Of course, all the people in the home who saw us wanted to pet the dogs. 

Happy Larry with his pups

Hope all are having a wonderful day. 

Love and Prayers,

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tree Lily's in my yard

 Afternoon everyone, 

On a happy note, we have a huge amount of Tree Lily's that are flowering in posts because we have not yet got them planted in the yard. These are from my move from Ohio. I missed a few that have already flowered. They sweeten up the air outside so much. Missed taking a pic of my Easter Lily's that flowered also sitting in a pot. They were the tallest I have seen them. Had them in the ground in Ohio and they come back and flowered although the plants were very small no doubt because of the cold winters there. 

This fall we will be putting them into the ground this fall for sure. Along with some Rose of Sharon's that we dug up and brought with us also and a couple of Fire Bushes. 

So here are the flowers to enjoy. 


These two are of the same flower, it is a double or triple flower, my only one. I got so excited when I saw it I reached for it to smell and it snapped right off. 



These plants are huge, stand way above my head in height. Huge stocks on the plants.
I love them. In one pic you also see a small yellow sunflower volunteer. The flowers last for weeks and weeks. I may plant even more next year.

Love and Prayers,

In Memory of Nita Twardzak