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Saturday, October 2, 2021


 Hello everyone, 

I am not believing this, I have been collecting eggs from Lucy almost every day now. We went to make french toast yesterday and I cracked 3 large eggs and all 3 had double yokes. I am not believing this. Taste, just great. I am the lucky one even if her name is Lucky.

I have some new pics up for the free designs Sample page. Go and take a look. Her very first eggs are also in the mix, they were so tiny, just plain cute. Here is a pic of the lovely eggs. Two eggs are in the large bowl and one in the small bowl. 

Lucky's eggs--3 double yokes

We are getting ready to enlarge their free-roam area, cause my next batch of little ones are getting large enough to add to the other 7 hens. That will be a total of 13 hens and 2 keets we hope, not sure just yet, there might be a rooster in the batch. We have the room for them to be happy and free. I just love having chickens running around the yard. 

Love and Prayers, 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Update on Larry

Morning all, 

Chatted with Larry yesterday on phone. He is doing fine, wanting to come home for a few hours, but Rose Wood Manor has once again closed the doors to unnecessary people coming and going. So that is put off for a while. Other than that Larry sounds good and seems to be in good spirits. He said his phone is not ringing, so we have to go there and get the phone and see what is going on with it. 

We can see him from the window outside of the building, but he is not sitting where he can see outside that well, and then you can't talk back and forth. What a mess, this Covid is for everyone. 


Love and Prayers, 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Lucky's first eggs

Morning to all, 

Yesterday when we went out to take our chickens outside I found 2 not 1, but 2 eggs that Lucky (our survival hen) laid last night. She stepped on one and broke it, the other one was just fine but, they were half the size of a normal egg. Don't think I have heard of a hen laying 2 eggs at a time. But she did. 

Lucky's First Egg

Back in Ohio our first egg from our hens was laid without the shell, a perfect egg just laying in the nest box. and here in W.V., she laid two eggs. Not sure I have heard about that happening before.
Now have to wait on 12 more hens to start laying some time in the spring or early summer. That is IF they are all hens, ya never know. And the two guineas what if they are M or F, have to wait and see.
Hope you all have a great day.

Love and Prayers, 

More new chickens & two guineas

Morning everyone, 

Well, we got some more chicks and two guineas about two weeks ago. We gave them apple cider vinegar for a few days, and also gave them electrolytes to help ensure their health. They were so tiny when we got them, now they are all up and doing just fine. One is hidden behind the food container. All in all, 6 chicks and 2 guineas. 

Love and Prayers, 

In Memory of Nita Twardzak