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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Frosty's Club - Up and Running

Morning to all, 

Our new group is up and running now. Membership is due by the 8th of each month. I am enjoying this new club, always room to expand as time goes by. 

Videos are to becoming and I hope they will be interesting. 

Love and Prayers, 

NEW EGGS and Happy New Year


It has been in the single digits for a bit, now today is it 31, so we are having a heatwave. That is what my chickens are thinking. They do not like the deep snow we got mostly all gone now. They do like it warmer, the heater in their shed is working just fine for them if they get too cold, they come in and sit awhile. We did get our deep snow a few days ago, about 10 inches of the cold wet stuff. Then a day or so later, it rained. Most of the snow is gone now. 

                             Out our front door                               Upper deck-about 10 inches

Yesterday I gathered 3 eggs instead of just one. So I have two new egg layers. I am happy, one egg is a large dark brown, the other small one was laid in the sandy box, the same color as Luck lays, it did freeze and I just boiled it up with a couple of others and fed it back to chicks. 

I take them their greens, boiled eggs, eggshells, and grapes during this cold cold weather. I also give them grain and treats. The ground is so frozen right now, they stand on one foot for a while then switch to the other. 

Lucky (white with black trim) and now Speckles (light tan and white spots) follow me around the yard, Lucky is the last survivor of the very first 6 chicks I bought. 

Love and Prayers, 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Morning  to all, 

A couple of days ago we discovered that "Cruella" our polish chicken has discovered she is a HE. So now he is starting to "crow" in the mornings and it sounds so funny. He is a dark and light gray color and his top not is white and has black strips on each side of his head,  the name of Cruella just fits him. 

The other hens have pecked his head feathers off, I have got a medical spray that I use every little bit to keep it "dark" so the hens don't see "red" which I have found out, chickens go after anything red and they will peck it apart. So poor Cruella is having a time with his top not or head feathers that all Polish hens have, I am in hopes that it will regrow and be pretty again, I do see a lot of pin feathers coming in, so have to keep it sprayed with the purple stuff to help him grow them back in. 

UPDATE: Cruella got her neck snapped during nighttime in the shed, found her dead the next morning. Not sure what happened.

Love and Prayers, 

Chicken Tray

Today it or last night it snowed 1/2 inch of snow, it should melt away today, the ground is not frozen yet, it is muddy on the path to chickens. 

Today we have a friend coming to make a shelf of sorts to put under where the chickens roost at night, this will catch all "poo" and keep things much cleaner for me and the chickens. 
Gonna use cat litter to fill the trey and I will then put just a small amount of cedar chips to cover the cat litter so the chickens don't think it is a spot to take a bath. 

It will be a quick and much cleaner clean-up for me and all will stay healthier because of it. The free fertilizer will be placed all over the place to help green things up in the spring from the garden to shrubs and trees to just greener grass. 

Pic to come later on when done. 

Love and Prayers, 

                         Lucky and Speckles                                    Inside of covered pen

Nesting boxes                                         Heat lamp & tray area

Shed & covered area 

In Memory of Nita Twardzak