Paid for designs

I do not have instant download, your designs will be mailed to you within or less than 24 hours as I check my computer all day long.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

New 4th of July design

Dear members,

I have this nice July 4th design ready for you.  It looks great and would be a good design to add to your collection.  It is for the 4x4 hoop

Find it on my site.

Thanks for looking, 

Chicken update - new fence

Hello all,

We have now added a 5 x 10 foot "open" fenced in area with top covered. This will be left open to the sun and rain. This gives then a spot to get into the sun or rain if they wish to. Our other sections are covered with a plastic tarp to keep it dry for them.  They seen very happy, we have even put the guinea in with the chickens and a little getting use to each other, they are all getting along fine.  We let the guinea out to roam the yard during the day and put him in the protected area at night.

One night he did not come home, I believe he spent the night behind the neighbor's garage, he was there the next day and stayed rather close for a few days. Now in the evening when it is time to put him in, he comes running. I told my husband "he got scared out there alone".

 We have the happiest chickens in the world, so spoiled it is not funny.

Hornets -- Oh My

Dear members,

We have discovered a hornets nest just behind the drain pipe on the house.
OF course we will get ride of it.  Looks funny as the "enter hole" is on the side of the nest and not the bottom.

And to think that we dug up 3 dead evergreens and then dug a hole for some tall grass right under it almost.  One of the trees was in the ground  so good that he even got out the lawn mower to pull it out of ground.

Thank goodness, they did not come out and bother us at all.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Grasses are planted & more

 Hello everyone,

We planted out grasses yesterday. They look great and I love the amount of privacy they give. Can't wait until they get as large as all of our others.  We also removed 5 dead little bushes from around the house, we will replace them I think with a couple of arborvitaes.

Last couple of days have been so nice and cool with a breeze, have enjoyed very much.  something tells me that fall of the year is not far off.

I also dug up some Iris plants, pruned and planted in a different spot. Needed to do that for some time.  Now my body tells me I need a break. :-)

We also discovered a huge hornet nest on the corner of our house behind the top of the drain pipe. Needless to say, that will not stay long.  Will take a pic of it and post later.

In Memory of Nita Twardzak